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FAUX PAS: Don't Be That Ratchet Guy in the Worldcup.

Worst sports stadiums behaviors. Don't make us cut you

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1. Rushing the Field

If it was a Victoria’s Secret model running onto the field in lingerie, that’s one thing, but some drunken idiot being chased around by overweight security guards is another

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Spectators should not be running out on the field in the middle of a game. Not only is it dumb, it stops the game.

2. Soccer Stampedes

What it takes exactly for hordes of fans to crush to death other hordes of fans at soccer — aka “football” — matches I can only guess: extreme drunkenness, extreme poor judgment and extreme poorly timed panic.

3. Doing the Wave

hy should I or anyone else be obligated to follow a massive crowd in a display of senseless conformity that brings to mind “Triumph of The Will” more than “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”?

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4. Horn Tooting

The vuvuzela horns ruined the 2010 World Cup. Why did those idiot fans keep blowing those horrible horns? What happened to cheering and applause?

5. Screaming at Kids

If you’re an adult who wears a Red Sox hat to a Yankees game, you’re making a decision to court grief, but what goes on in the mind of a grown man who tells off a child for wearing a different hat?

Any adult who feels this is a reasonable act ought to be sent to a European soccer game to be crushed.

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6. Eating the Nachos

Super-salted, processed, deep-fried tortilla chips smothered in liquid cheese the temperature of volcanic lava and the color of 1970s smiley face…it’s not food, OK?

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7. Victorious Beer Baths

For some reason these buffoons believe that a sport team’s triumph gives them the right to drench their fellow fans with their backwash brew.

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8. Heckling Players

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